Executive Coaching

In this world of accelerating change, innovation is more essential than ever. Individuals, companies and societies rise or fall based on their ability to innovate.
Innovation, as we define it, requires you to make the impossible possible, and to hold this vision until others can see it. This is true if you are an owner, a board member, a CEO, or a division leader.
Innovation means that not only must you grow your company or project quickly; you need to grow it in balance. That is the challenge. There are many case studies of organizations that built a great market but could not deliver. Or built a great product but could not sell it. Or built a great market and product but could not get it funded.
Innovation means striking a balance between creativity and discipline. Too much creativity can create chaos; too much discipline smothers initiative.
Innovation means putting in the effort up-front to build the foundation that results in the big payoff at the end. This takes patience and determination.
We're here to help you manage this challenge. Here's how we work.
To bring innovation and growth to your company, we will challenge you on many of the myths you have held about your business—and your own leadership of that business. With a powerful integration of management consulting and executive coaching, we will push you just a bit beyond your comfort zone—challenging you to take yourself and your business to a new level.
Like the driven salmon swimming upstream, we see innovators as highly courageous people committed to taking risks. However, innovators—like salmon—can hit overwhelming waterfalls. When that happens, we help you build “fish ladders”. Instead of leaping into the waterfall only to fall back, we help you smoothly move upstream in an unstoppable way.
But understanding what we do can only take you so far. We highly recommend you experience it. So if you want to take your company to the next level, contact us to schedule an initial no-risk phone call to further explore what you need.
Client Feedback
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VEC made a quick and dramatic impact. They worked with me from a personal leadership perspective to focus in and move forward on the most significant opportunities for my department.
Marc Patrick, Category Director, NikeI made the decision to coach with Jim over 3 years ago now and it’s made a huge positive impact on my performance. When a company is so rapidly growing, it’s the responsibility of leaders to keep or outpace that growth personally, and I credit my working with Jim in helping us achieve that growth in a way that was healthy, both personally and for our culture.
John Boiler, CEO, 72andSunnyDespite a sudden drop in the economy, our New York office had its best year while working with VEC. Top to bottom, they shaped a culture for success that was inspired by the openness, clarity and focus brought to bear by the process of working with VEC.
Carl Johnson, CEO, Chiat/Day, New YorkWe are on track for 20+ percent growth in the current down market. By both strengthening and focusing our leadership, VEC has helped us to improve our business development on the front end, while honing our efficiency on the back end. Simply put, we are laying a solid foundation for long-term growth.
Buz Sawyer, Managing Director, Wieden and KennedyWe have worked with Vollett Executive Coaching, for over two years now. When we started, our company was trending down. In year one we stabilized our business, and year two we had our highest revenue and profit year by far. In year three we sold the company. Moreover, I have found the work deeply satisfying and motivating, both personally and professionally. I recommend this work to anyone.
Eric Yang, CEO Black Bag AdvertisingVollett Executive Coaching (VEC) has made a huge contribution to me and to our agency. They have a great ability to see all the parts and coach each player to be better. I believe we are now poised for steady growth and VEC have been a key contributor to that. I would recommend them to anyone.
Jeff Steinhour, President CP+BAlong with senior leadership team, I’ve been working with Vollett Executive Coaching for several years. Together, we’ve made a demonstrable impact … that’s not only helped us achieve short term goals, but has allowed us to build a foundation for sustainable growth … I would not hesitate to recommend their services.
David DeMuth, CEO, President, Doner